TV shows for Netflix and Chill.



I was gently persuaded by a friend to watch this show a few weeks ago. He had watched it from the beginning and always managed to reference something about it in our frequent conversations. Finally I decided to watch it from season 1, and when I watched the first episode I was hooked; then I binge watched four seasons in about a week. Not the ideal way to spend the last quarter of my Grad school.

Lip Gallagher has been my favorite character right from the start. He's the smartest person in the family not just because he gets a score of 2400 on every SAT exam he gives for other kids but he also comes up with all the master plans to get his family out of trouble. The show is exactly how it sounds, all characters are legitimately shameless in life, from stealing from their own kids to performing a funeral service to deceive drug dealers the stories and endless and Sarcasm is their first language.

The show can be generalized as people reacting to what's going on in their life and their loved one's. It seems to me like it's a constant journey for these people on which road to take. Anyone who's ever watched the show would tell you, for most of the years they've taken the more destructive road. I hope the remaining 6 seasons bring the same amount of trouble in their life, only because trouble keeps life interesting for the Gallagher family. 


Did you ever dream of being a Billionaire? If you did I'm sure you only dreamt about buying a Penthouse or partying like Dan Bilzerian. But did you ever dream about the Power and the Responsibilities a billionaire deals with. The hearts they have to break, the life's they destroy, the people they cheat on and lie to, the decisions they have to make in seconds to maintain their status and wealth. If all this doesn't excite you enough, then you aren't ready to be a Billionaire in the 21st Century.   

Oh and did I tell you they are the smartest people on the planet, because if they weren't the Corporate world won't exist and most of us would end up being Jobless or will be working at McDonalds.

One Strange Rock:

As a 90's kid I grew up watching Cosmos, narrated by Carl Sagan. I was always excited by the mysterious of the universe and the future. Well imagine the mysterious the human mind has been able to solve in the 21st century that we had no idea about. 

Did you know the tropical beaches were created by the poop of fishes in the coral reefs? or I'm sure we all know earth has a magnetic field around it, but did you know that magnetic field keeps all the radiation and cosmic rays of the universe away from entering our planet. Did you ever imagine why humans are the only intelligent species on planet earth. 

If all these questions don't make you wanna know more then imagine Will Smith as the narrator. The guy who brought us Men in Black, Independence Day etc. How can you say no to a show which has Will Smith in it. See episode one and if Will Smith is not enough, I'm sure the 4K videos of planet earth from the universe and from 10,000 miles deep in the ocean would change your mind for sure and how you treat and look at the only planet we can call as HOME!!!